Bat removal & exclusion services


Bat in your attic?

If one or two bats are present in your home you can physically remove them, but this should be done by a professional who has protective gear and knows how to handle bats. In defense, bats can deliver a painful bite, and, if let go, may hide deeper into a crevice far from reach! 

When bats are found in an attic there are a couple approaches Gladhill Services will take to rid your home of bats. It is extremely important to understand many states have laws addressing the control of bats. While mostly misunderstood, bats have specific requirments for their protection and exclusion. If you encounter bats in your attic, we recommended that you contact us to remove them from your home.

Caution for young bats!

If you find a colony of bats in your attic you must begin considering successful exclusion to ensure bats never return. Bats gather in what is known as maternity colonies. These colonies consist of mostly females gathering in the same place to have their young. State laws protect the young as bats are beneficial for our natural environment. 

Since young bats are totally dependent on their mothers exclusion work cannot not be completed until the young are capable of flight, or in accordance with State laws. Adult bats return to their roost every morning to feed their young, so by restricting females access to their young they will die.

The bat exclusion process.

By walking around a home or structure we can determine the exact location bats enter and exit. Once the bats have left for the night, we begin sealing holes, installng one-way doors and attaching other devices to keep bats from getting back inside. During the daytime it's best to look for light shining through any areas previously sealed.

One-way doors, netting and other exclusion-type devices can be correctly installed when all entry points are found. Devices such as a one-way door are secured in place over the entry point so bats can successfully emerge at sundown but, cannot enter back into the colony in the morning. Bat houses being placed nearby structures will help little in time but never truly eliminate a colony.

After the bats are removed, waste (or guano) and urine must be cleaned up with the area being sanitized to avoid and prevent the spread of disease. This final step in the elimination of a bat colony is why calling a professional is critical.