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Who's Your Love Bug This Valentines?

While you may be celebrating an anniversary or the start of a new relationship Gladhill Services wants to share the ultimate love interest with you. Say what you want about humans, when you get right down to the sexiness and love we all crave the insect community has the ultimate lovers. 

Each year, Florida plays host to the ultimate lovers not too long after Valentines Day. "Love bugs,” are a nuisance pest any Florida traveler should become familiar with. 

Each spring, mega swarms of "love bugs" take flight filling the airspace along roadways. During this time, love bugs mate during a non-stop flight of sexiness. That is until their sexy time comes to an abrupt end as they both smash into windshields, headlights, grills and the side mirrors of vehicles. Swarms of these tiny creatures can cause drivers to pull over as their crushed bodies make it impossible to see out of windows, darken headlights and worse, cause radiators to overheat. Sounds like something out of a horror movie but, it's all too real. Just ask anyone living or traveled in Florida during Love Bug season.

Having lived in Florida for several years, I will never forget the crushing pop heard at least once every two to three seconds while driving. The mess left behind as they go out with a bang was the worst part. I would carry extra washer fluid in my truck during "Love bug" season but it really didn't help. Truth is every three days I had to pressure wash my windshield to clean off the juice left over from crushed bodies.