Pest Control

The Haunting Truth Behind Pest Control

At the age of 8, the slightest creak or scratch during the night startled me. I would pull the covers over my head believing it was some kind of magical shield protecting me from the supernatural forces haunting the attic above my bedroom ceiling. While trying to fall asleep, my young mind pictured horrifying images of ghosts and other malevolent beings that turned my childhood dreams into nightmares. Night after night, I heard the ghosts coming but, I never did actually see them or anything else considered malevolent.

Haunted Pest Control

Long after my childhood fears and ghosts were forgotten, I moved into the house where my great grandmother, grandmother and grandfather died. During the day the house seemed warm and normal but, at night the house grew cold as my childhood fears returned. Not long after moving in, I noticed a strong musky smell much like death shortly after dark. I began to hear scratching from behind the walls, odd creaky sounds from above the ceiling and saw movement within the shadows. As I sat reading in the evenings, my dogs began growling and barking at the walls ending their protective reaction with a whining all to lay down with their eyes fixated in the direction of something I couldn't see. Every now and again I could hear what sounded like a child running or playing in the attic. And, just after midnight, you could hear someone (or something) pacing back and forth in the attic. Having lived without my childhood fears for sometime, I began to question what was real again. So, i decided to investigate with an open mind.

My investigation began in the attic where I found the mummified remains of something not human and before i had time to panic I noticed the attic was cold and smelled musky as if something had died in it. There were strange black marks running up and down the walls of the attic - some of these markings were in the shape of crosses. If what i found in the attic wasn't enough to keep me up at night, in the basement, I found what looked like shallow graves. Next to one of the areas was freshly disturbed earth where something had forced its way out of the ground. To my amazement and relief though what I uncovered was more real than imaginary.

The remains I found were not human, they were of rodents, bats, and birds. The cold I felt was air coming in from a damaged portion of the roof that also became access for birds, bats, and squirrels to enter my home. The cold air dropped to lower levels of the house at night bringing the smell of death and mummified flesh from the attic too. The pacing sound and black marks were from rats moving around. Video footage revealed a squirrel bee lining my attic to a walnut tree in my front yard. (This explained my initial thoughts of a child running or playing.) The scratching behind the walls were mice, and with their sensitive ears, my dogs were reacting to rodent activity all along. In the basement, the shallow graves I found were actually burrows dug out by rats. And it turned out that the freshly disturbed earth resulted from something digging its way out was just a ground hog. 

As a pest professional, I have heard many haunting tales of scratching, clawing, and groaning throughout the night all to discover the glowing eyes or infrared image of a rodent during inspection. Pest professionals know that birds and squirrels can mimic paranormal activity in the early evening as they settle in for the night, just as rats and mice can cause vocal, audio, and video disturbances, especially close to midnight since they are nocturnal. Being creatures of habit, rodents typically run back and forth on the same path several times each night debunking the ghost of a child playing or something pacing in my house. Mice will scurry up and down the inside of walls causing dogs and cats to stare and react with excitement. So, before you have another sleepless night, before your kids jump in bed with you from fear, and before you call in the paranormal investigation team look for a few obvious signs first.

Below are the most common signs of rodents causing the unexplained in your home:

Unexplained sounds- Rodents cannot be considered quiet when inside your home. Both rats and mice will cause you to hear squeaks, rustling, and scurrying sounds as they move around. As you go to bed at night noises from rodents begin as they are just now waking up.

Glowing trails- House mice are known for their urination patterns. A mouse will leave an invisible trail of urine that will illuminate under the right lighting that could easily be mistaken for the blood of ghosts. These urine lines may be dashed or spotted in appearance when illuminated by professionals. Other times they may be a short or long unbroken line. 

Behind the walls- Rodents build nests from furniture stuffing, shredded paper, grass, and almost anything they can readily find for warmth and cushion. Mice build their nests in undisturbed places like boxes in the attic or basement, unused cabinets and closets, inside walls, even in the voids between ceilings and floors. (Thus hearing noises in areas of no activity.) As mice travel back and forth with nesting material sometimes they drop items. The sound of a twig falling inside a wall can range from a subtle scratching to a traveling scrap-like sound. Over the years, I have found marbles, glass, and other tiny objects in a mouse nest that if dropped during travel could make for an interesting story. 

Strange markings- Mice can make it through openings a quarter inch in size. (A reason for markings to suddenly stop or disappear.) Caused by the dirt and oil in their skin and fur, both rats and mice leave behind rub marks (or smears) that can range in color from a light grey for mice to black resulting from rats. On a funnier note: a recent customer of mine had rats in her kitchen. When i pulled the fridge away from the wall there was a well-pronounced smear mark in the form of an upside down cross on the wall left by rats. The cross was the length and width of her refrigerator, and upon seeing the rub mark my customer fainted. After about 30 seconds, she came to and admitted she was shocked to find that the devil was in her kitchen. 

Gnaw marks- To ensure proper dental care, both rats and mice gnaw away at things. While wood is a favorite, rodents will begin gnawing away on whatever suits them including electrical wire and PVC pipes. Unexplained grinding, scrapping, and sounds that seem to travel can result from the gnawing of rodents. You may not actually see the gnaw marks, but evidence of rodent gnawing is found in the form of wood shavings, shredded paper, and misplaced items. (The latter resulting from rodents having to escape your presence when a tooth gets stuck on an object.)

The smell of death- House mice have a distinct musky scent that once you smell it you'll always remember. Like mice, rats too, bring a unique odor to your home. When living inside, rodents will die inside and when this happens you'll know it. Out of nowhere the smell of death can take up all the airspace inside your house. Lasting more than a week at times, the decaying body of a rodent will surely be cause for concern. 

Mysterious patterns- Both rats and mice will leave tracks and tail marks on dusty surfaces. If enough mice are present it will appear as if claws were slid down the top of a dresser or stand that has a dusty top. Rats drag their tails leaving a defined mark between their footprints. Again, in the right type of lighting these trails may play tricks on your mind. 

Pet behavior- Remember that cats and dogs are able to detect sounds that humans cannot. Dogs can sniff out bed bugs and more. They are keen on smelling, hearing and seeing rodent activity too. A dog may immediately react to rodents by staring, scratching, barking, whining, going in a circle and pacing near the area of activity. 

If your dog is barking or growling at the wall, or just staring up at the ceiling my bet is you have a rodent problem - not ghosts. The haunting truth behind pest control is rodents are the traditional culprit for what goes bump in the night. I have never seen one for myself, and I won't ever say ghosts don't exist but, I will recommend calling a pest professional the next time you hear that ghost child playing in the attic. 

Rid Your Home Of Ticks

A tick is a parasitic insect that feeds on the blood of mammals, birds and reptiles for survival. Ticks are considered a serious household pest for many pet owners as ticks latch onto cats and dogs and drop off in the house. For humans, a tick bite can cause certain diseases that require medical attention.

In efforts to prevent an infestation of ticks, it's wise to avoid spending too much time in densely wooded areas as these areas are common habitats for ticks. Ticks hang out on tall grass and shrubs at the edge of wooded land waiting for a ost to walk by. If you have pets that spend time in or near wooded areas, you should invest in an anti-tick medication for pets and possibly a flea and tick collar as well. If your dog or cat constantly scratches, shows signs of any type of regular skin irritation or becomes lethargic frequently, you may have a tick infestation. If you do believe that your pet may have a problem with ticks, contact your vet for further information in regards to prevention and treatment.

Ticks prefer living in warm, dry places near their food source such as bedding and furniture so, they can spread to almost any room throughout your home. It only takes one tick latching onto your pet or you then falling off after a feeding. Once they drop off, a tick will run and hide in a tiny crack or crevice where it will wait for a host to come by, feeding once more. If eggs are deposited into any part of your home then, look out! This is when the infestation begins.

Tick Bites

A tick bite can pose serious health risks for pets and people since they can carry diseases like Lyme DiseaseRocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Southern-tick Associated Rash Illness. Usual symptoms related to tick bites may fever, rash, aches, and pains. If you ever feel that a tick bite is serious or associated with any of these symptoms, seek the professional advice of a physician.

Ridding Ticks

If you happen to find a tick on your dog or cat check with your vet, especially if they appear lethargic. This may be a signal due to an infection or the early stage of a disease acquired from the bite. Since a tick can deposit up to 3,000 eggs per breading cycle, it's important to have a professional pest manager check your home for any signs of a tick infestation. Females will deposit eggs in tiny cracks throughout your home, which makes ticks difficult to eliminate.

Rid Your Home Of Roaches

A cockroach infestation requires immediate action by professionals to eliminate the problem and help minimize health risks associated with them. Cockroaches are attracted to food (especially rotting and decaying food matter). A cockroach will e…

A cockroach infestation requires immediate action by professionals to eliminate the problem and help minimize health risks associated with them. Cockroaches are attracted to food (especially rotting and decaying food matter). A cockroach will eat the same food you eat, along with paper products, packaging, fabrics, toothpaste and pet feces. It's easier to discover signs of a cockroach problem in your home or business than it is to actually see a live cockroach. Nocturnal creatures, cockroaches will hide out of your sight during the day becoming much more active at night.

Signs of a Cockroach Infestation



  1. Cockroach feces - a cockroach will leave a trail of black droppings.
  2. Cockroach smear - a cockroach will leave smear marks wherever they are active. 
  3. Cockroach skin - A cockroach will shed skins 5-8 times as they mature to adults.
  4. Cockroach odor - A cockroach infestation will produces an unpleasant smell. 

With multiple entry points, your home or commercial property could be a breeding ground for cockroaches.The easiest way to prevent cockroaches from entering your home or office is denying them access to food, water and shelter. German cockroaches favor kitchens but, may easily be prevented by keeping crumbs and other food particles from accumulating around countertops and cabinets. Regular cleaning with a general disinfectant helps deter cockroaches from nesting.

German cockroaches may be found in bathrooms and laundry rooms also as they seek out warmth and humidity. They are good climbers with the ability to move straight up glass.

Oriental cockroaches dwell in areas with cooler, damp conditions like basements and drains. Oriental roaches can survive outside in areas in and around dumpsters, landfills, as well as infest urban environments where water and food debris build up.



  • Eliminate food sources - dry foods should be stored in sealed containers or plastic bags. Do not leave water in sinks or liquids in buckets.
  • Clear waste food and spills - remove food debris from prep areas and remove food scraps daily keeping garbage and compost in sealed containers.
  • Contain pet food - Empty pet drink, pet food, and litter trays for overnight.
  • Rinse containers - Rinse bottles, cans and other containers before disposal.
  • No Clutter - Do not (or throw out) newspaper and magazine piles, cardboard boxes and other clutter from all areas. 
  • Seal points of entry- Fill gaps around pipes, drains and in walls shared with other buildings when dealing with German, Oriental and American cockroaches. Small cracks around electrical sockets should be plugged also.

Prevent Mice & Rats

Mice enter buildings in search of food and shelter. They search for food source and quiet areas to nest. By removing food sources and sealing up small entry points, mice will be less likely to enter your home or business when the weather turns cooler. Mice are not picky eaters and are typically found feeding on scraps and leftovers which can harbor harmful bacteria. So, by reducing food wastes will decrease the possibility of mice spreading diseases such as Salmonella or Hantavirus.

The first step to solving a rodent problem is to know what which rodent you're dealing with. In this case, you need to be sure you have mice and not a rat(s) or any other rodent infestation such as voles or moles. As rodents are nocturnal, it may be…

The first step to solving a rodent problem is to know what which rodent you're dealing with. In this case, you need to be sure you have mice and not a rat(s) or any other rodent infestation such as voles or moles. As rodents are nocturnal, it may be unlikely that you'll actually spot a live rodent during the day. However, if you do, mice are easy to identify. When compared to rats, mice are smaller in size; they have longer, thinner tails with fur, and have smaller, rounder ears.

Knowing how to identify mice from rats and becoming familiar with the signs of a mouse problem is critical to controlling or eliminating an infestation. This is where a professional can really help. Correct identification by Gladhill Services will help you choose the most affordable control method without any worry.

Ants - The Ultimate Survivor

Ants will always find their way into your home as they forage for food. This doesn't mean you have an infestation of ants or that a colony is nearby though. Ants roam from sun up to sun down in search of what they need to survive. Sometimes they may cross into your home and never return unless that is... you leave something for them behind. 

Ants, big or small, will enter your house through the tiniest of crack and crevices. No home is completely safe from them! Even with monthly pest prevention, ants may end up breaching your home’s professional pest barrier.  Pest control experts…

Ants, big or small, will enter your house through the tiniest of crack and crevices. No home is completely safe from them! Even with monthly pest prevention, ants may end up breaching your home’s professional pest barrier.  Pest control experts agree that to date, there is no one single explanation for ants entering the home showing little to no effects from pesticide applications. Until further research can explain how ants are capable of this feat here are some of the more common needs of ants that may bring them into your house on what many professional consider a suicide mission. 

Ants are fascinating creatures - they live in colonies continuously overcoming and adapting themselves to all environments. Ants - regardless of species - do not interfere with other nearby ant colonies. Like shepherds tending sheep, black carpenter ants will herd aphids protecting them from rain and harsh weather. This is because the ants feed on their feces, which is very sweet and commonly called honeydew. Aphids, if let go, may cause certain plant species in your garden to turn black with a sooty-like substance on the leaves. This is the honeydew. The carpenter ants collect and feed off of this sooty mess keeping plants clean and free of any soot-like feces. The aphids and ants together perform a symbiotic relationship to benefit you, your garden and nature itself.  Ant mounds in your garden should be considered a blessing since they aerate the soil for your plants to grow well. 

So, why am I telling you all this?
Well... because I want you to have a clear understanding of what you are up against when it comes to ants entering your home. In the garden, you may not want to disturb ants as they continue protecting the natural environment around your home. But, when they breach your personal threshold and begin scurrying around your countertops and kitchen floors then, it may be time to call your bug guy back.

First, don't get mad at him or her thinking they didn't do their job. This isn't the case most likely. Your pest professional will be the first to tell you that ants have the ability to accomplish this. Before anything can be applied for the control of ants, your professional must consider several things. First, the type of ant must be considered, then, the location of the colony in relation to the area of their activity. Where ants are currently active inside the home is another aspect of ant control that must be considered. Do you have children or pets? Once these aspects are thoughtfully considered it is then, and only then, a solution may be applied. Sometimes ants feed on sugary foods while other times during the year these same colonies may need protein-based foods. Some ants are called sweet-feeding because they are commonly found in the kitchen only foraging for water and sugar left behind on floors and counters. 

Professionals must incorporate several types of control. Exclusion, baiting, granular, and liquid applications may all be needed at different times to fully eradicate an ant colony. If you do not have a professional service for ants then there are a few things you can consider at home and try yourself. DIY ant control is possible.

Preventing Ants In Your Home

You can follow three simple rules in DIY ant control. 

  1. Keep your kitchen, pantry and cabinets clean at all times.
  2. Clean up any spills immediately
  3. Keep your floors and countertops free of food debris especially sugary foods.

Top 5 Most Dangerous Pests Inside Your Home

When it comes to household insects most are of little concern. Unless, that is, you fear them. With only a handful of household pests actually being capable of harming you, it's good to know which ones you should be cautious of.

When it comes to household insects most are of little concern. Unless, that is, you fear them. With only a handful of household pests actually being capable of harming you, it's good to know which ones you should be cautious of.

For multiple reasons, people may fear ants or spiders in general. Some might freak out at the mere sight of a cockroach or silverfish scurrying through the pages of an old book that hasn't been open in years. Even though most insects cannot hurt you in any way, people fear them. As with anything, knowledge and insight fosters a greater understanding and thus this post. As a pest professional, I have spent more time over the years educating the public about insects than preventing or eliminating them. Fact is, insects serve a purpose and killing them is not always the way to go about resolving your fears. Instead, pest prevention is vital for not only their survival but, in limiting the frightful feelings you may experience when coming face to face with one. I have created the top 5 most dangerous insects to have inside your home. 

Can Bed Bugs Infest A Clean Home?

For more information about bed bugs follow our blog as we present new DIY practices, tips and insights each week. If you would like a professional inspection for bed bugs call 717-597-1040

For more information about bed bugs follow our blog as we present new DIY practices, tips and insights each week. If you would like a professional inspection for bed bugs call 717-597-1040

In recent years, Bed Bugs have developed a reputation for becoming pests that only infest filthy homes and cheap hotels. While cluttered homes that are never cleaned,  run down hotels, and improperly maintained housing complexes are common places to find bed bugs, the conditions of these places are not what typically attracts bed bugs. 

Truth is bed bug infestations have been discovered in the cleanest of homes, in the most well kept of hotels, and in the most expensive housing communities.  The main determining factor in a bed bugs ability to thrive is its ability to hide in the tiniest of cracks. So even if you keep your home spotless and uncluttered, there’s still a chance bedbugs may enter. 

Here's a little secret though: when a bud bug enters your home the chances of you finding it early increases as you clean, flip your mattress, dust behind the headboard and so forth. But, remember, bed bugs hide in the tiniest of places so even when cleaning you can easily miss it.