Is Treating Termites During Winter A Waste of Your Time and Money?

Termites winter

Winter is probably the best time to get a termite treatment! Why? Termite locations are more predictable as they overwinter together in fewer areas as they remain closer to their nest. In warmer months termites forage constantly spreading out in multiple directions and covering thousands of square feet. The closer termites are to their colony nest the quicker and more efficient products work in eliminating them from your home. 

It's important to note that there is no such thing as a termite season. Termite swarmers are typically seen in our region during early and mid spring however, during winter months inspections are faster and easier along with targeted treatments by professionals. If unsure look for these signs:

  • Damaged or stained wood with sandy grit on it
  • Small insect wings stuck in cobwebs or laying on window seals
  • Flying insects near walls or windows

If you have any questions or would like a free termite inspection this winter give Gladhill Services a call. 717-597-1040